Cancellation Policy

SBA will consider any request for cancellation of admission / withdrawal from studies if such request is made in accordance with the prescribed Regulations, The Regulations will include procedure for cancellation/withdrawal as well as the rules for refund.


I). This Regulation will form part of Admission Regulations of the College and lays down the procedure for cancellation of admission and for refund of fee paid. The Regulation is based on UGC Guidelines in this regard as contained in UGC Notification on Refund of Fees and Non-Retention of Original Certificates of October 2018 and shall be effective from Academic Year 2021-22

2). Any student admitted to any of the Courses offered by the college may apply for cancellation of his/her admission and/or for withdrawal from studies at any time during the academic year of admission or later.

3). Application form for Cancellation/Withdrawal must be made in the prescribed form (Annexure I) duly signed by the student and the parent.

4). Application for cancellation of admission/withdrawal may be made either by presenting an application in person by the student or his/her authorised representative or by applying online in the college Website. No other mode of application shall be acceptable. If the application is made online , personal appearance of the student or his/her authorised representative along with the specified documents within seven (7) working days from the date of ‘online application’ is mandatory for processing the request as on the date of application. If personal appearance is delayed the cancellation request will be processed as on the date of such appearance and the refund eligibility will be determined accordingly.

5). Refund may be considered only in respect of Academic Course Fee. No refund shall be allowed in respect of Application Fee and Admission Registration Fee.

6). SBA in view of its strict Attendance Regulation does not normally admit any student to any course after the notified last date of admission or after commencement of classes and hence the seats of cancelled admission shall remain unfilled at all times thereafter.

7). Admissions to all courses will officially close 15 days prior to the commencement of classes and the said date of closure of admission shall be the notified date forming the basis for considering the amount of refund.

8). If a student after joining for the Course leaves it in mid-session, the entire fees collected shall be forfeited.

9).  The college collects Fees in advance for every year and term ‘Last date for Admission’ with reference to continuing students shall be the last date for issue of Hall Ticket for the End Semester Examination of the Even Semesters as may be applicable.

10). Student seeking cancellation of admission shall be eligible for refund of Academic Fee at the specified rates as detailed in the table herein below which are based on the date of submission of application for cancellation with reference to the notified last date of admission.

Contact Info

St Benedict’s Academy

Asirvanam, Anchepalya, Kumbalgodu Post, Bangalore – 560074

+91 9538777077, +91 8050506999

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

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